2015-05-10 - MCRRC Run Aware 5k XC


~3.1 miles @ ~8.7 min/mi

At pre-race registration Christina Caravoulias offers me bib #1000, but I opt for 999 which offers more humor potential. Distractions: two text message chimes and one email chirp, during the MCRRC's "Run Aware" 5k cross-country event. Oops! I refrain from replying but joke with fellow runners about pausing for selfies.

Friendly arch-rival Tom Young is racing on a sheared meniscus, due to be surgically repaired in a few weeks. We banter and dance over roots and rocks together for the first couple of miles, after which I give chase to three young ladies who help pull me up the final hills. DNF today stands for "Did Not Fall"! Official result: 65th place overall of 229 finishers, 50/107 males, 5/10 in age-gender group, time 26:43 = 8:36 min/mi estimated pace.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2015-06-03